Contact: Rosie Casey
Phone: 740.446.4612 Ext. 273
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Gallia County Auditor Larry Betz has announced passage of new legislation for the Homestead Exemption. The new exemption is available to homeowners who are 65 years or older or totally disabled under the age of 65. Surviving spouse of a qualified homeowner who was at least 59 years old on the date of their spouse’s death is also eligible. You must be the owner of the home or manufactured home and it must be your primary residence on January 1 for the tax year you apply.
The passage of H.B. 59 on June 27, 2013, and effective September 29, 2013, has made significant changes to who will qualify for the Homestead exemption on a going-forward basis. Persons currently receiving Homestead will not see their status reviewed, nor will income thresholds put in place by the new law affect their exemption. However, those who turn 65 in 2014, age 65 in an earlier year but did not qualify for the Homestead exemption for tax year 2013, (2014 for manufactured and mobile homes) or who became disabled after January 1, 2013, will be required to have Ohio qualifying income below a certain threshold in order to receive a Homestead exemption based upon age or disability.
Applicants can apply for Homestead Exemption in the year they turn 65 as long as they own and occupy the house as of January 1 of the year they file.
Questions? Call 740-446-4612 Ext.: 273 or stop by the Gallia County Auditor’s office located in the courthouse.