Boards and Commissions
Board of Revision: The county treasurer serves on this board with the County Auditor and County Commissioners. Taxpayers who feel their property values are too high have an opportunity to file a complaint with the board and are able to appeal the board for a property value reduction.
Budget Commission: The county Treasurer serves on this commission with the County Auditor and County Prosecutor. This Budget Commission meets with all taxing districts, such as schools, cities, townships, and villages to establish and approve spending levels. The Commission also projects the revenue for the county and submits those results to the County Commissioners. Based on the Budget Commission figures, the County Commissioners allocate those monies to the various county offices for their operating expenses.
Data Processing Board: The County Treasurer is one of the seven members serving on this board. The board determines the necessary computer needs for the county and its various departments. This board approves or disapproves requests from various departments on the purchase of hardware and software packages. This board serves as the major control over computerization of departments and must ensure that tax dollars are spent wisely to meet major computerization goals for the entire county.
Investment Board: The county Treasurer serves on this board with the County Commissioners and the Clerk of Courts. This board establishes investment policy and procedure and provides the County Treasurer with direction relative to investments made. The County Treasurer is the major investment authority within the county and provides the board with financial data, investment instruments, financial forecasting, current and future interest rate schedules and must advise the board on investments that will provide the best return on its monies while always keeping safety and liquidity as a primary goal.